Newsletter Archive
At Analyze, we’re committed to staying curious and learning from every opportunity – gleaning invaluable insights and hard-won lessons along the way. Have a look at some of our previous newsletters.
Quarterly Insights
Edition #2 - June 2024
If you find yourself constantly busy, feeling overwhelmed by too many tasks, and wishing there were just more hours in the day, you’re bound to really hate this quote:
Surely only a millennial armchair philosopher who has never worked a solid day in the real world could think such a thing, right? Yet these fighting words come from none other than C.S. Lewis—arguably one of the most prolific writers of the 20th century.
Quarterly Insights
Edition #1 - Mar 2024
If you’re reading this, you possess one of the most critical and underrated traits of our time. How could we be so sure? Because amid all the emails, meeting requests and other demands screaming for your attention – you’re still curious.
In each edition of our Quarterly Insights, we’ll focus on just one key aspect of high-performing businesses and leaders – providing the kind of analysis we’ve become known for… the kind that leads to optimal results and real change. To kick off, let’s look at the very trait that got you here: curiosity.